
The Xbox One Reminds Me of the Failed PlayStation X

The Xbox One may be taking cue's from the likes of Google TV, and Apple TV; but, it also may be taking cue's from the long-forgotten, and failed PlayStation X (or, PSX.) And with the Xbox Ones" heavy-sided focus on being an "all-in-one-entertainment" device, certainly, some concessions have been made. Microsoft's recent revelations -- the console manufacturer; not the software conglomerate -- have been called into question. Some speculate if tactics employed for its third-generation: Xbox One are, indeed, "Smart...Glass." Smart Glass, as you know tethers your mobile device such as a phone or tablet to your Xbox and television, effortlessly ping-ponging media between the devices. Its all a giant "Web," Charlotte conceived. Back in 2003, Sony, after the success of its PS2 video game console, launched an all-in-one-entertainment device itself: the PSX. Although, this was roughly ten years ago, and the demand for such a device didn't exist. It was also very expensive. It contained within it, like the Xbox One a DVR (digital video recorder).

It was also the first PlayStation device to utilize the XMB (cross media bar;) however, the device did not see a post-mortem release outside of Japan due to little demand, and an expensive price tag of 79,800 YEN. Which would equate to around 900 USD, but that price would depreciate if released today. To Microsoft's credit, they are not Sony, and thus have a better grip on the marketing and manufacturing of such a device, from a software company point of view. But, let's say that the PSX did release this year, would you have any desire to buy an all-in-one-entertainment device? That may, or may not do everything your other devices can do, and better? But, wait, the similarities don't stop there. The PSX was also capable of playing games and movies as well. In contrast, the Xbox One would seem to have far greater restrictions over the control of your content with restrictions placed on how long you can play a game offline; or how long you can play a game on another Xbox One device; or, the who, what, when, how and where in the application of used games. 

With so many restrictions, its a wonder that everyone isn't more up-in-arms about these pertinent issues over content ownership. Additionally, there are currently other market leaders in the all-encompassing entertainment field such as Apple and Google, with their Apple TV and Google TV brands, respectively. And, its no secret, Microsoft wants to take over your living room...but at all costs? I for one, hopes that the Xbox One can succeed in this market -- in this day and age because competition is only a boon for gamers, where we all greatly benefit by having more than one market leader. Roll on E3.

1 comment:

  1. All in one devices sound great. Until they break. Then you can't do anything.


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