
Next generation and innovation

When fans think next generation, the PS4 and Xbox One spring to mind. And, the Wii U, as that qualifies to fans as well. And, when innovation is mentioned  — it's averse to, praised, warranted and opposed — all at the same time. Although, innovation can ring true, with new jobs and opportunities in abundance.

Yet it does queue up thoughts of mobile devices or the computer industries. If we cannot envision as the futurist does, we fail to have deep insight into shortcomings. What would be better than for innovation to shine through as glorious as day? Additionally, we've learned that innovators are difficult to emulate.

Yet businesses hinge on innovators, as time blossoms, and progression is called upon. Think about someone like Steve Jobs. Jobs, who had the idea for an iPhone back in the 80's, wasn't just attempting to place the Phoenix Down to Apple. His foresight into the future was near-accurate, however it took Apple three decades to culminate into the Apple we know today. All we can ask for is innovation and consumer friendly prices. When the first video games console released, innovation preceded the marketplace.

Paradoxically, it took innovation to revitalize a dying gaming industry.

As a video games company, Nintendo has not been averse to change. Let's take a gander at the Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom,) and how it got its start. In 1983, Nintendo released the NES, which was a success. Its post-launch revitalized a faltering industry. After the Video Games Crash, Nintendo's preemptive strike to market its console as a toy proved effective. Further, the NES headlined with a competitive edge in bolstered graphics. And as Super Mario Bros grew in popularity, so did the console, and at the time, deemed the highest selling console at the time. Nintendo knew it had to distinguish its video game console from competition at the time. This was apparent by how Nintendo advertised the NES initially; as a toy, packaged with a plastic robot. Nintendo knew it had to offer up something that would be worthwhile.

Steve Jobs was the hallmark innovator. Steve Jobs was a visionary, and his spirituality profound, more so than other  technologists in his field. It was Jobs' expert intuition and imagination, combined with technology that compelled him to create.

Steve Wozniak, ex-Apple engineer once quoted of his friend: "Steve didn't ever code. He wasn't an engineer and he didn't do any original design..."

He had a vision to break boundaries and to communicate. Apple's dedication to consumers high expectations is consistent. His products became larger than life — subsequently, so did Jobs. His pioneering spirit has played a role in his efforts. I believe Jobs, as a creator didn't think of an iPod as an iPod that played music for you, or an iPhone that could place your phone at the center of multimedia; his products were the embodiment of a deep rooted need to reach out to the world, he has proved to understand well. When questioning next generation capabilities, we are looking at our well of consciousness for expectations. Innovation is a transforming energy. After all, the energy can transform the hearts it touches.

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