
A Computer Virus May Be a Patient's Worst Nightmare

Due to lax cybersecurity measures, the US Food and Drug Administration is today issuing a warning to the healthcare industry. Prompting them to assert a more vigorous approach, to assuring the safety of medical devices from hacking. As current cybersecurity practices implemented such as "hard-coded passwords" makes for easy prey in cyberworld. Further, the FDA plans to step-in; and intends to regulate the up-to-date security measures. As a result, they are recommending that device producers submit to their security plans. As apart of the FDA's approval requests. Essentially, calling device manufacturers to action to "take steps to assure that appropriate safeguards are in place." According to the Wall Street Journal, the FDA reinforced the tightened measures, and "are aware of hundreds of medical devices that have been infected by malware." Although as a direct result of hacking, they are not aware of any injuries or death. This news comes in light of growing concern over computer worms such as Conficker.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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